Interface ExperimentalDesignVisualizationService

    • Method Detail

      • sortVectorDataByDesign

        Map<Long,​LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject,​LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor,​Double>>> sortVectorDataByDesign​(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedVs,
                                                                                                                                       ExperimentalFactor primaryFactor)
        Put data vectors in the order you'd want to display the experimental design. This causes the "isReorganized" flag of the dedVs to be set to true.
        dedVs - dedVs, already sliced for the subset of samples needed for display (if necessary); will be modified
        primaryFactor - if non-null this factor will be used to order the data, otherwise the first factor will be chosen using built-in heuristics. Set this to ensure that the data is ordered by the factor you want as in the case of showing DE genes
        Map of EE ids to "layouts", which are Maps of BioAssays to map of experimental factors to doubles.
      • sortVectorDataByDesign

        Map<Long,​LinkedHashMap<BioAssayValueObject,​LinkedHashMap<ExperimentalFactor,​Double>>> sortVectorDataByDesign​(Collection<DoubleVectorValueObject> dedVs)
        Put data vectors in the order you'd want to display the experimental design. This causes the "isReorganized" flag of the dedVs to be set to true.
        dedVs - dedVs, already sliced for the subset of samples needed for display (if necessary); will be modified
        Map of EE ids to "layouts", which are Maps of BioAssays to map of experimental factors to doubles.
      • clearCaches

        void clearCaches​(Long eeId)
        removed the cached layouts and cached BioAssayDimensions for this experiment (could be a subset?).
        eeId - ee id